Monday, August 31, 2015

An Aura and Disturbances due to Occult Attacks

Hi Friends...

Do u get fights with the bosses & peers.... and lose job everytime ? Does some one dearer fall ill.... when u get a new job or an opportunity ? Are d prospects of ur life not moving ahead / on 'halt' ???
"Vidweshanam" or "Maaranam" or "Stambhanam" ‪#‎Shattkarma‬ has been targetted towards you by envious pals or foes.

Vidweshanam = Creating Differences Between 2 or more ppl

Maaranam = Projecting Death or Fatal Vibes to d targetted victim

Stambhanam = To put good things /events of some one's life on halt

Shattkarma = 6 karmas* ... to be performed for good cause (above is misuse)

1. Maaranam (a ritual to KILL beyond destiny)
2. Mohanam (a ritual to ATTRACT beyond will)
3.Vashyam (a ritual to ENSLAVE)
4.Stambhanam (a ritual to STOP the flow of life)
5.Uchchatanam (a ritual to INFLUENCE beyond will)
6.Vidweshanam (a ritual to make 2 or more people FIGHT / creating QUARRELS or DISPUTES)

Above all are the words of Sanskrit---On other part of the world it simply is explained as an 'Occult attack' ,'Psychic Attack', 'Black Magic','Voodoo' or 'Hoodoo', 'Tantra Prahaar' etc. 

Basically notorious souls try to send the vibrations that create disturbance in the aura which results in physical, mental, psychical disturbances resulting in severe imbalance, disease, anger, wrong choices, wrong decisions, wrong expenditure, wrong food and drink desires, lustful thoughts, laziness etc.

This book --- Practical Psychic Self Defence is my personal favorite to protect against OCCULT ATTACKS.  



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