Hi Friends,
In previous post i just shared my personal experience of how I handled an occult/psychic attack by an individual (volunteer of a small group !?!) with evil intentions ... I had planned to post something else but since its a WEEKEND I changed my plan to share something else.
According to Physics every moving object has an associated "Wave Packet"... Every pulsating object has "Vibrations".
All living beings are BOTH ! Thus for we humans, have an AURA containing Both...
(A) Effects of Surrounding Environment
(B) Effects of Planets and
(C) Concepts of KARMAs ...for later discussions let's focus Immediately on AURA.
In previous post i just shared my personal experience of how I handled an occult/psychic attack by an individual (volunteer of a small group !?!) with evil intentions ... I had planned to post something else but since its a WEEKEND I changed my plan to share something else.
According to Physics every moving object has an associated "Wave Packet"... Every pulsating object has "Vibrations".
All living beings are BOTH ! Thus for we humans, have an AURA containing Both...
(A) Effects of Surrounding Environment
(B) Effects of Planets and
(C) Concepts of KARMAs ...for later discussions let's focus Immediately on AURA.
Purchase a FRESH LEMON and keep with you close...in the pocket or purse on Sunday 12 AM until Monday 12 AM. Keep track on who all you met, talked over the phone, what all you cooked-ate-drank during these 24 hours...
On Monday 12 AM pull out that LEMON and observe its colour. Everything and Every Object is an "Energy" and a CHEMICAL*** as we all know & Lemon has CITRIC ACID and has active most Psychic Reactivity.
(***What 1 Drop of Lemon Juice can do to BLUE LITMUS PAPER in Chemistry and to MILK in Cooking...we all know !!)
If any RED coloured design...or DARK GREEN unusual patters... then yes you have a game on !!! Aura has some Contamination...Bad Energy...
Comeon we all are surrounded by so much of ELECTRO-MAGNETIC POLLUTION too ...Cell Phones, TV , Radio AM/FM waves, Microwave Oven, WI-FI, I.R., Ultrasonic frequency, U.V.* Appliances, Radioactive Radiations etc (* U.V.= Ultra Violet... Not ME :) )
To cleanse an AURA Below are the Herbs / Elements suggested (Any of them) to BATH With...atleast once a week.
- A pinch of Sea Salt
- Turmeric
- Milk / Cream (Milk is a "Colloid" ..pls remember)
- Hyssop
- Basil Leaves or Juice
- Lemon Juice
- Mugwort
- Patchouli
- Vetiver
- Wormwood
- Small spoon of Coffee (May cause temporary exhaustion after bath as its powerful)
- Camphor
- Sandal Powder
- Lavender / Rose / Jasmine Flowers
- Eucalyptus Leaves or Juice or Oil
- Essential AROMA Oils ( Olive Oil especially)
- Ethyle Alcohol Sprays ( After Bath )
Such Theraputic Bath & Exercise / Yoga / Pranamayama / Meditation / Positive Thoughts Cleanses and further strengthens an AURA.
Bye for now...Happy Weekend...
Regards & Love
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