Monday, November 27, 2017

Places of FAITH and an Impact on our AURA --- 1

Hi Friends,

After a long i finally got some time to share my experience with all of you....

As a Hindu and an Indian I have grown under the teaching and preaching of an importance of being a good Civilian and a Human ... with a win - win equation as a key principal to lead the life.

We have Gods narrated in the Hindu Mythology with delegation of possibly all the kinds of purposes and Temples dedicated to them all over in India... I have also heard and visited the religious places of other religions as well.

Well ...frankly i don't believe that there is some one "Right Up There..." looking at us and "Putting Marks" for all our Karmas. No... That's what my personal view point. 

What ever we THINK comes out of our Subconscious and What ever we do leaves a permanent IMPRINT on our Subconscious...which shapes our AURA and stays with our energy fields through out our INCARNATION CYCLES / Journey. We may call those our Karmic Records....

These Temples...Mosques...Churches...Gurudwaras... I would like to term them here as the "Places of Faith" for my central subject...

We often feel that some burden has been lifted off from our mind-body-soul when we visit our respective place of Faith... 

How these places of faith Impact ???

For example there is an eldest temple ... lets say 2K year old temple of BRAHMA in Pushkar -Rajasthan- in my view what exactly must be happening is.... as follows.

1. Problems or Solved Problems or Fear Psychosis or just the Respect Towards the Religious Believes lead us to visit these places.

2. We TRAVEL with already a positive mindset. 

3. We further BELIEVE that our purpose will certainly be served by visiting this place.

4. Now such places are visited by many individuals like us... thus the soil is fully charged with the vibrations of the  POSITIVE FAITH.

5. Daily rituals and cleansing and aromatic environment make such places safe from the attacks of Dark Energies which can generally penetrate lower frequencies.

6. Once we enter such place... we can never have any Negative thought... even for our worst FOEs... Thus we too remain cleansed from inside out.

7. Either we share our problems or we thank for what ever we have ...from within from the deepest of our conscious. And we PRAY... We usually don't allow a single negative thought about anybody to enter in our mind in that very moment.

Now that's where the MAGIC happens...

Unknowingly... our AURA gives up BADs and absorbs the GOODies... in a mass and chaos sometimes.

We then leave that premise with the HOPE which is a huge Life Force which lifts our psych at Higher Vibrations which repel the Darkest Entities and Thought Forms.

...and this HOPE is felt by all the visitors... past visitors...present visitors...and that impacts the future visitors too.

These are my personal views from the Brain Storming for so many years... in the next part I have shared some of the specific places in India where I have experienced that MAGIC !

Until then.... Take Care...



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